
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Sharifah Nadrah Syed Idrus” ,找到相关结果约3513条。
Hepatosomatic and Renosomatic Indices of Anabas testudineus Exposed to Various Levels of Cadmium  [PDF]
Sharifah Nadrah Syed Idrus, Mohd Riduan Abdullah, Fazlin Hazirah Mohd, Mohd Sham Othman
Journal of Environmental Protection (JEP) , 2022, DOI: 10.4236/jep.2022.131010
Abstract: Cadmium has a high level of toxicity and can have adverse health effects on living organisms including fish. This study is conducted to identify the effects of cadmium exposure on the Hepatosomatic Index (HSI) and Renosomatic Index (RSI) of Anabas testudineus. Anabas testudineus is exposed to four different cadmium treatment groups. The fishes were exposed to four treatment groups of different cadmium concentrations (0.000 mg/L, 0.005 mg/L, 0.010 mg/L and 0.015 mg/L) for 16 weeks. The results showed a decreasing trend of HSI value increasing cadmium concentration and exposure time. However, the opposite trend was observed with RSI where the higher the cadmium concentration over an increased exposure time, the higher the RSI. In conclusion, the study outcome shows significant changes in the value of HSI and RSI between different treatment groups with exposure time.
Effect of Cadmium on the Developmental Instability of Anabas testudineus through Evaluation of Fluctuating Asymmetry of Eye Diameter  [PDF]
Fazlin Hazirah Mohd, Sharifah Nadrah Syed Idrus, Mohd Riduan Abdullah, Mohd Sham Othman
Journal of Environmental Protection (JEP) , 2023, DOI: 10.4236/jep.2023.145023
Abstract: Biomonitoring using fish has been a popular method of assessing the toxic effects of cadmium concentrations of cadmium in water bodies and has led to bioaccumulation in fish contributing to various morphological alterations. Among the known effects of these alterations is developmental instability via fluctuating asymmetry (FA). The utilization of FA data is a simple yet effective method to evaluate the toxic effects of cadmium on the stability of development. This study used climbing perch (Anabas testudieneus) to assess the FA in the diameter of the eye because of low-level cadmium exposure. The left and right sides of the traits were measured once every four weeks for 16 weeks. The average measurements from both sides of the traits were used to calculate the FA value. Results found that the highest mean FA for the diameter of the eye was obtained in the highest treatment group, 0.015 mg/L. The results also indicate that increasing concentrations of cadmium exposure had a statistically significant effect on the FA of eye diameter. There was also a statistically significant interaction between the duration of exposure and treatment groups in FA of the diameter of the eye. The results from the study indicate that prolonged exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of cadmium can cause significant effects on the normal development of eyes in Anabas testudineus. This study can add to the body of research regarding fluctuating asymmetry as a tool to study developmental toxicants and assess other bilateral organs.
Effects of In-Situ Cadmium Exposure on Morphometric Indices of Anabas testudineus  [PDF]
Mohd Sham Othman, Sharifah Nadrah Syed Idrus, Fazlin Hazirah Mohd, Mohd Riduan Abdullah
Journal of Environmental Protection (JEP) , 2024, DOI: 10.4236/jep.2024.154028
Abstract: Anthropogenic activities have greatly affected water resources on a global scale where the world is experiencing water quality and resources issues. Heavy metal is a crucial group of pollutants that is toxic to the environment even at low concentrations due to its bioaccumulation and biomagnification capabilities in living organisms. The detrimental effects of heavy metals on living organisms are due to their bioaccumulation in the aquatic ecosystem. Cadmium may result in adverse health effects due to its high toxicity. The study is conducted to determine the cadmium exposure effects on the morphometric indices of Anabas testudineus which are the Scaling Coefficient (SC) and Condition Factor (K) of such species. Anabas testudineus is exposed to four different cadmium treatment groups namely the control group, cadmium treatment group of 0.005 mg/L, 0.010 mg/L, and 0.015 mg/L for 16 weeks. The findings of the study have reported inconsistent trends in the values of SC and a decrease in the value of K with increasing cadmium concentration. The trend for the average SC has shown an overall decrease in value while the pattern of the K value is inconsistent in each treatment group with exposure time. Collectively, no significant differences for SC and K of A. testudineus in different treatment groups as well as comparison between treatment groups with time exposure.
The Impact of Organisational Culture on the Implementation of TQM: Empirical Study in the Iranian Oil Company  [PDF]
Yadollah Karimi, Sharifah Latifah Syed Abdul Kadir
American Journal of Industrial and Business Management (AJIBM) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/ajibm.2012.24027
Abstract: Purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between four construct of organizational culture and two type of TQM as soft and hard in the Iranian oil industry. The method of confirmatory factor analysis was applied to refine culture and TQM scales for empirical analysis in Iranian Oil Industry. The structural equation modeling method was applied to test the theoretical models. This study confirms the results of previous studies that considered culture as a set of practices. It confirms that not all types of culture—considered as a set of practices—has a positive impact on the TQM implementation. Only two components of culture—hierarchal and developmental showed a negative impact on the soft and hard TQM. The findings are useful for business managers in developing countries such as Iran, who want to enhance business performance through implementing TQM practices in different culture. The study has contributed to develop a measurement system of TQM practices that facilitates more quality management research in developing countries. It has contributed to clarifying the disputed relationship between different culture and TQM practices, and shows empirical evidence in Iran industry to confirm that the culture set deployed by a firm has an impact on Soft and Hard TQM.
Enhancing English as a Second Language Learners’ Speaking Skills through Authentic Videoconferencing  [PDF]
Sharifah Kuraisya Syed Ibrahim, Harwati Hashim
Creative Education (CE) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2021.123037
Abstract: The concern over speaking skills being abandoned in?English as a Second Language (ESL) classroom has been emphasised on for decades yet not much has changed in the past years. With the increasing reliance on technology, authentic videoconferencing, which is now possible with the emergence of various videoconferencing platforms, is believed to be supportive of ESL learners’ development in terms of their speaking skills.?This paper reviews past studies done on the effects of authentic videoconferencing on ESL students’ English-speaking skills. Based on the data gathered, it has been found that ESL learners’ speaking skills?which include fluency, accuracy, pronunciation and vocabulary can be positively affected with the penultimate and the last skills both showing more promising results. This paper also?discusses the individual factors that?may either impede or ease ESL learners’ development of oral competence. These individual factors include anxiety, enjoyment and class level. The data collected show erratic results with regard to enjoyment and class level whereas anxiety is allegedly able to negatively impact learners’ progress. The findings gathered in this paper could serve as a springboard for authentic videoconferencing to be made accessible in ESL classrooms especially in Malaysia to ensure learners’ vast improvement as well as engagement in the target language.
Science Education in Primary School Towards Environmental Sustainability
Sharifah Zarina Syed Zakaria
Research Journal of Applied Sciences , 2012, DOI: 10.3923/rjasci.2011.330.334
Abstract: Science education has become one of the core subjects in Malaysia primary schools and since 2003 it has been taught to students as early as year 1 (7 years old). The contents of science curriculum in the primary schools, consists the knowledge and facts of environmental education related factors. The objectives of this study is to find out the elements of environmentally related subject that is taught in science classes which concurrent towards environmental sustainability. To be able to become a developed country by year 2020, Malaysia must not only have a scientifically and technologically literate citizens but they must know and be aware of how to sustain the development. This can be accomplish if the children in schools today are prepared and geared towards an education that taught and shaped their thinking and behavior towards the important of a sustainable development. So, the knowledge of science must not only able to make them good inventors or creative innovators that can contribute to the development of science and technology but also must be able to make them aware and conscious of their actions that might give bad or negative influence to the environment.
Nasal Substitution in Sarawak Malay Dialect
Sharifah Raihan Syed Jaafar
Asian Social Science , 2013, DOI: 10.5539/ass.v9n4p92
Abstract: This study discusses a phonological strategy, i.e. nasal substitution, which is regularly applied to eliminate nasal and voiceless obstruent clusters from emerging in the surface representation. As claimed in previous studies, the clusters are disallowed from emerging in the surface representation. Nasal substitution is therefore applied as a strategy to get rid of those clusters. In this paper, I will present how nasal substitution is applied in the Sarawak Malay dialect by focusing on two morphological environments in which the clusters emerge, i.e. within roots and at prefix junctures. The data obtained from interviews show that nasal and voiceless obstruent clusters are not completely disallowed in the dialect, as nasal substitution is only active at prefix junctures and not within roots. Furthermore, in this dialect, voiced obstruents also undergo nasal substitution. These phenomena are accounted for in this study by proposing CRISP-EDGE [?] and UNIFORMITY-ROOT in the grammar of the Sarawak dialect of Malay.
Population Restructuring: The Impact on Poverty Eradication in Malaysia and Medina  [PDF]
Radieah Mohd Nor, Sharifah Nurlaili Farhana Syed Azhar, Kamarulazizi Ibrahim
Open Journal of Social Sciences (JSS) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/jss.2015.36013
Abstract: Before the restructuring, Medina’s residents live in hostile environment and constantly waging war between themselves. In Malaysia, population’s restructuring occurred as the result of May 13, 1969’s tragedies, which became a black spot in the history of Malaysia. Through population’s restructuring, the poverty rates in Medina and Malaysia decrease. There are five key elements that are kept in the population’s restructuring in Medina and Malaysia. These elements are religion, life, intellect, lineage and property. These five elements are contained in Maqasid Shariyah.
1AZAM Aiding Low-Income Households in Malaysia  [PDF]
Radieah Mohd Nor, Sharifah Nurlaili Farhana Syed Azhar
Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies (JHRSS) , 2016, DOI: 10.4236/jhrss.2016.44029
Poverty has always been a major topic of discussion throughout the world. Based on the studies that have been conducted in Malaysia, they only take about 44 years to reach 1% incidence of poverty in 2014. While in 1970, the incidence of poverty was 49.3%. Malaysian government’s efforts to eradicate poverty of its people can be seen when the government attempted through the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) through the National Key Result Areas (NKRA) with the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM) becomes as the main driver. Through KPWKM, 1AZAM (1Aim) was launched. The program identified four main areas namely AZAM Tani (Farms Aim), AZAM Khidmat (Services Aim), AZAM Kerja (Works Aim) and AZAM Niaga (Business Aim) to help the poor Malaysians out of the group.
A Study on Malaysia Primary School Science Education: Foundation for Environmental Knowledge
Sharifah Zarina Syed Zakaria,Lilia Halim
The Social Sciences , 2013,
Abstract: As a developing nation, Malaysia needs citizens who can contribute to the scientific and technological developments in order to compete and be at par with other developed nations and to be able to achieve this goal by year 2020. Malaysia must not only have a scientifically and technologically literate citizens, but citizens who know and aware of how to sustain the development. This can be accomplish if the children in schools today are prepared and geared towards an education that taught and shaped their thinking and behavior towards the importance of a sustainable development. Thus, the knowledge of science must not only produce good inventors, or creative innovators in the future, but citizens who can, besides contributing to the development of science and technology, must also be aware and conscious of their actions that might give bad or negative influence to the environment. Thus, the objective of this study is to find out what are the elements of environmentally-related subject that is taught in science classes in Malaysian primary schools and to relate its part as a foundation and contribution for sustainable development.

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